Engagement Profile: Adam and Lisa


Adam & Lisa – engaged August 31st, 2014


How did the two of you meet, and who made the first move?

We met at work, our desks were adjacent. I’m not sure who made the first actual move, he would say he did, but I think I did. We fell in love on our first date, which was a rainy day hike up Blood Mountain in North Georgia.


Who were the first people you told about your engagement?

Our families. Adam proposed in a park near my grandmother’s house on a trip to visit her Washington. My mom, aunt, uncle, and cousins were all at my grandmother’s house waiting after he proposed. We told our extended family and friends through emails, texts, phone calls and of course Facebook.


How did you hear about T.K. Anderson Designs?

A friend of ours recommended T.K. Anderson. She learned about their work from several of the ladies she teaches in her Zumba class.


What was your favorite part about working with the T.K. Anderson team?

My favorite part was their ability to customize the ring into something meaningful for us. They were patient with me as we worked out the design and worked diligently to build the ring so I received it in time to propose.


Bride, what do you like most about your new ring?

It’s hard to pick one thing that I like best. I love the colors the most (the blue of the diamond and the rose gold are lovely), but I also love the small details like the leaves under the setting.


What are you most excited for in your future together?

We look forward to having a close and loving support system in each other. We are also very excited to travel and enjoy life together.